
Opinions, insights, and ultimately pointless ramblings from some Canadian guy exiled in Germany. Comments, queries and requests always appreciated.

Tuesday, August 19, 2003

So, to absolutely no fanfare, is my inaugural blog entry. I guess a little info is in order. I'm 37, male, Canadian and presently living in Germany. I teach English as a second language both here in Germany and in Luxembourg. I read about "blogging" in a magazine the other day and liked the idea of it and thought it might be fun to give it a try. Have absolutely no idea whether anyone will be interested in what's written, but I guess that's not really the point. However, if anyone feels motivated to make a comment...feel free, that's what it's all about. I guess in time there'll be plenty of info about me, my interests, views etc...but if you want to know more just send me an email...so that's about it for the intro...what about today?...feeling a bit foggy in the head...the 3 beers at the pub did more damage than what should be expected...will try to caffeinate that away though. Since I have the day off will just listen to some music and maybe do a little painting...nothing too labour-intensive.

music today includes:

Mojave 3 - Excuses For Travellers
Tin Hat Trio - The Rodeo Eroded
Guided By Voices - Earthquake Glue
Drive-By Truckers - Southern Rock Opera
Mars Volta - De-loused in the Comatorium
The Apes - Fugue In The Fog
Josh Rouse - 1972
The White Birch - Star Is Just A Sun

Eventually when I get the hang of this, I hope the postings will become a bit more interesting. But every newbie has to go through the growing pains.

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